How to Select a Size for Breast Augmentation Procedure? with Dr. Mark Brzezienski

There’s no secret that Breast Augmentation is one of the most sought after surgeries, but choosing the right implant size is one of the most crucial parts of the procedure.

When most women come into RefinedLooks Plastic Surgery, they usually come in recognizing how much larger they want to be with a specific cup size in mind. “You know, there is no golden cup in Washington that tells you what sizes A, B, C or D is. Seamstresses can tell you, but we have something much better,” says Dr. Brzezienski.

So, what is the “something better”? It’s a sophisticated analysis system coupled with a photograph mechanism that we call Vectra.

What does Vectra do? What can it not do might be the right question to ask. Instead of just choosing a desired cup size, you stand in front of the Vectra and we take pictures of you facing multiple directions. You will then choose from a host of implant sizes and the computer installs them into you changing your physiognomy to match the size of the implant you’ve chosen.

“It’s fantastic because it really helps you understand what size 300, 400, or 500 is specific to your body,” says Dr. Brzezienski.

Why is that so important? Because there are many factors that determine how an implant size will look on you. For example, if you’re 5’2, a size 400 cc will look totally different on you versus a person that’s 5’10.

The beauty of all of this is that you don’t have to do it alone! The first step is to meet with one of our Cosmetic Consultants who will guide you through your entire plastic surgery journey. They will introduce you to the Vectra and then you will have a consultation with your desired surgeon to review your health history and breast augmentation goals to determine if a breast augmentation, or a combination of cosmetic breast surgeries, is right for you.

Isn’t it a relief to know you don’t have to do all the heavy lifting in the decision making for your breast augmentation? Choosing the right implant size is crucial, and thanks to our highly trained surgeons and the Vectra, that decision is easy!

To hear from each of our surgeons talking about the different procedures we offer, click here

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